Crossword 1788

Across  1. Ova  3. Windsor knot  8. Inborn  9. Arguably  10. Erect  11. Dolls  13. Fused  15. Altered  16. So-and-so  20. Tries  21. Hunch  24. Tortilla  25. Potash  26. Burkina Faso  27. Lop Down  1. Olive branch  2. Albrecht Durer  3. Worst  4. Dead as a doornail...

Crossword 1787

Across : 1. Haw  3. Crosssut saw  8. Dinner dance  9. Badgered  10. Eider  11. Duvet  15. Old Bill  16. Analyse  20. Nacre  21. Skips  23. Corgi  24. Tropical  25. In-joke  26. Toffee apple  27. Kin Down:  1. Hidden costs  2. Wined and dined  3. Clear  4. Sobbing  5....

Crossword 1788

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1788” before 3pm on Friday June 28. After this time, the competition will be...

Crossword 1787

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1787” before 3pm on Friday June 21. After this time, the competition will be...

Crossword 1786

Across 1. Buttonhole  6. Amis  10. Ghana  11. Splice the mainbrace  12. Stooped  15. Pro-am  17. Inst  18. Oars  19. Robot  21. Welfare  23. Tiara  24. Clue  25. Leer  26. Level  28. Scabies  34. Neigh  35. Rush  36. Volleyball Down 1. Bugs Bunny  2. Trattoria  3....