Crossword 1780

Across 1. Get stuck in  6. Lamb  10. Papua New Guinea  11. Acetylene  12. Cyclops  15. Audit  17. Exam  18. Adam  19. Islam  21. Trashed  23. Czech  24. EGOT  25. Erin  26. Motif  28. Statute  34. Adorn  35. Sold  36. Stag beetle Down 1. Gape  2. Tipsy cake  3. Trawl...

Crossword 1781

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1781” before 3pm on Friday May 10. After this time, the competition will be...

Crossword 1780

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1780” before 3pm on Friday May 3. After this time, the competition will be...

Crossword 1779

Across:  1. Pip  3. Ride shotgun  8. Expose  9. Notional  10. Cause havoc  11. Relic  13. Piles  15. Peckish  16. Example  20. Agony  21. Divot  24. Carnival  25. Cuckoo  26. Break it to me gently  27. Doh Down:  1. Preoccupied  2. Pop music  3. Rosie  4. Ennoble  5....

Crossword 1779

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1779” before 3pm on Friday April 26. After this time, the competition will be...