Crossword 1766

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1766” before 3pm on Friday January 26. After this time the competition will be...

Crossword 1765

Across  1. Cur  3. Whirlybirds  8. Monkey see, monkey do  9. Power cut  10. Tarot  11. Duels  13. Colts  15. Indexed  16. Kingdom  20. Pause  21. Taper  23. Shark  24. Turandot  25. Costly  26. Yellowstone  27. RioDown  1. Come to light  2. Ring road  3. Wheat  4....

Crossword 1765

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1765” before 3pm on Friday January 19. After this time the competition will be...

Crossword 1764

Across  1. Cow  3. Buffalo Bill  8. Absent  9. Outdated  10. Fresh  11. Rural  13. Grape  15. Colitis  16. Pastime  20. Flood  21. Sward  23. Wrote  24. Pugilist  25. Bikini  26. Park and ride  27. GodDown  1. Chaffinches  2. Wasteful  3. Bench  4. Frogman  5. Order...

Crossword 1764

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1764” before 3pm on Friday January 12. After this time the competition will be...