Crossword 1809

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1809” before 3pm on Friday November 22. After this time, the competition will be...

Crossword 1808

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1808” before 3pm on Friday November 15. After this time, the competition will be...

Crossword 1807

Across  1. Rum  3. Bronze medal  8. Salmon en croute  10. Brash  11. Holes  13. Truck  15. Risotto  16. Holds on  20. Dregs  21. Swift  23. Aruba  24. Antigone  25. Bengal tiger  26. Supermarket  27. Era Down  1. Raspberries  2. Mallards  3. Booth  4. Needful  5....

Crossword 1807

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1807” before 3pm on Friday November 8. After this time, the competition will be...

Crossword 1806

Across  1. Cab  2. Safety match  8. Raisin  9. Unfairly  10. Sybil  11. Sauna  13. Cover  15. Needles  16. En route  20. Thorn  21. Mined  23. Piers  24. Juvenile  26. My Sweet Lord  27. Rot Down  1. Christendom  2. Brisbane  3. Swill  4. Elusive  5. Moans  6. Turn up...