Crossword 1804

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1804” before 3pm on Friday October 18. After this time, the competition will be...

Crossword 1803

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1803” before 3pm on Friday October 11. After this time, the competition will be...

Crossword 1802

Across  1. Tip  2. Crepuscular  8. Lisbon  9. Bandaged  10. Waist  11. Tonic  13. Quilt  15. Kneecap  16. Optimum  20. Stand  21. Gloss  23. Fared  25. Bustle  26. Billy the Kid  27. Eat Down  1. Teleworking  2. Possible  3. Clout  4. Pub quiz  5. Cadet  6. Legend  7....

Crossword 1802

Save your completed crossword as a PDF and email it (along with your name and contact details) to [email protected] with the subject header “Crossword 1802” before 3pm on Friday October 4. After this time, the competition will be closed....

Crossword 1801

Across 1. Aide-de-camp  6. Acid  10. Aesop  11. Reprobate  12. Rustler  15. Lehar  17. Ouse  18. Cain  21. Implore  23. Organ  24. Lens  25. Said  26. Usurp  28. Empties  33. Indicated  34. Arson  35. Nero  36. Advertises Down 1. Alas  2. Disputing  3. Depot  4. Carve...